

What's going on at Seniors Are Special Too?



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Past Events



Seniors Are Special Too(SAST) fulfilled a Dream Request for Mrs. Hazel W. on November 21, 2024. She wanted a

a Shopping Spree Day at the major malls in Raleigh, NC. She shopped, dined and had a 

Blessed and Dreamy Day! Thank you to all who help make this day for her possible.




The Seniors Are Special Too (SAST) Christmas Cheer Program

distributed gifts bags in December 2023 with Food Lion or Piggly Wiggly Gift Cards to seniors in the

community and surrounding areas. Face masks, disinfecting spray and hand sanitizer were included in the gift bags.

The seniors were very thankful. Thank you to all who help make this possible.

We appreciated you and the seniors appreciated you too.

You Made a Difference!

Thank You! Thank You!



In December 2022, the Seniors Are Special Too (SAST) Christmas Cheer Program

distributed gift bags with either Food Lion or Piggly Wiggly Gift Cards to seniors in the community and

surrounding areas. Face masks and hand sanitizer were included in the gift bags.

The seniors were very thankful. Thank you to all who help make this possible.

We appreciated you and the seniors appreciated you too.

You Made a Difference!

Thank You! Thank You!


In December 2021, the Seniors Are Special Too (SAST) Christmas Cheer Program

collected and distributed Essential Blessing Boxes to seniors in the surrounding areas and other parts of 

the state. Thank you to all who donated and contributed to the Program.

We appreciated you and the seniors appreciated you too.

You Made a Difference!

Thank You! Thank You!



During the month of December 2020, the Seniors Are Special Too (SAST) Christmas Cheer Program

collected and distributed Essential Blessing Boxes to seniors in the surrounding areas and other parts of 

the state. Thank you to all who donated and contributed to the Program.

We appreciated you and the seniors appreciated you too.

Thank You! Thank You!





Seniors Are Special Too(SAST) will be having our 2nd Annual 5K Walk on 

Saturday, May 9, 2020 at the H. Boyd Lee Park in Greenville, NC.

This is one of our annual fundrasiers to help raise money to assist more seniors with  

their Dream Requests. Come out and be a part of making dreams come true for seniors. If you can't participate

by walking, please assist us by donating. Thanks!




On December 23, 2019, in partnership with singer LaTonya Meori of Raleigh, NC; Seniors Are Special Too

presented Christmas gift baskets to the residents of McGregor Downs Rehabilitation Center in Greenville, NC.

Singer LaTonya Meori sung Christmas songs to the residents. WNCT Channel 9 was also there that day doing 

a special segment on the Center. The residents had a wonderful time and so did we! 



On December 19, 2019, in partnership with Wanda Aaron and the Mothers of Many Seasons of Hollywood Church

in Greenville, NC; Seniors Are Special Too presented lap blankets to the residents of Pruitt Health Nursing Home of

Farmville, NC. The residents appreciated the blankets and we were happy to be able to provide them.



On December 3, 2019, in collabaration with Churches Outreach Network and Pitt County Senior Coalition, SAST assisted with the Senior Christmas Party in downtown Greenville at the First Presbyterian Church.

The Seniors had a great time and the event was a huge success again this year!



Seniors Are Special Too fulfilled a Dream Request for Mrs. E. Smith on October 11 - 14, 2019. She wanted a

trip to Maryland to see her son and family. It was an all expense paid trip for her and her

daughter who went with her and did the driving. Mrs. Smith and her family had a wonderful time!

 Praise the Lord!



A Gospel Concert to Benefit Seniors Are Special Too was held on Saturday, August 3, 2019 @ 3pm

at the Farmville Country Club on 3457 Bynum Drive in Farmville, NC 27828 

The Event was a SUCCESS!!!


Please visit them at

We would like to thank all the seniors, singers, groups, volunteers, attendees, donors and other local supporters as well.

Singers and groups included: Mariah Barrent of Greenville, NC; 

Gospel Unlimited Praise Team from Fountain, NC; and LaTonya Meori of Raleigh, NC.

Other local businesses included: Food Lion, Pizza Hut and Piggly Wiggly.




Seniors Are Special Too(SAST) held our 1st Annual 5K Walk on 

Saturday, May 11, 2019 at the H. Boyd Lee Park in Greenville, NC.

This was a fundrasier to help raise money to assist more seniors with  

their Dream Requests. Thanks to all our participants, volunteers, donors and local supporters. 

We couldn't have done it without you!!!




On February 26, 2019 SAST fulfilled a Dream Requests for a senior lady who 

wanted all of her windows in her home furnished with new blinds/shades. She went to pick them

out and awaited their arrival. They were installed by a Lowe's Home Improvement contractor.

Mrs. Baker was very happy with her new shades!




On December 13, 2018 SAST provided Pruett Health Nursing Home in Farmville, NC with an activity time

with the residents and Christmas gifts for each of them. This was sponsored by 

 our Christmas Cheer Program. It was a Blessing for the Home and a Blessing to us.




On December 4, 2018 SAST, in collabaration with Churches Outreach Network and Pitt County Senior Coalition,

assisted with a Senior Christmas Party in downtown Greenville at the First Presbyterian Church.

The Senior Christmas Party was a huge success!




On November 10, 2018 SAST fulfilled a Dream Request with Ms. Shirley W., who wanted a pet dog 

and a host of supplies including a gift certificate from PetSmart. 




A Gospel Concert to Benefit Seniors Are Special Too was held on Saturday, August 4, 2018 @ 3pm

at the Farmville Country Club on 3457 Bynum Drive in Farmville, NC 27828 

The Event was a Big SUCCESS!!!


Please visit them at

We would like to thank all the singers, groups, volunteers, attendees, donors and other local supporters as well.

Singers and groups included: The Glorifying Vines Sisters of Farmville, NC; The Anointed Gifts of God of Farmville, NC; 

The True Lights of Bahama, NC; and The Messengers for Christ of Greenville, NC.

Other local businesses included: Food Lion, Pizza Hut, Piggly Wiggly, Subway and McDonald's.



On December 15, 2017 Seniors Are Special Too (SAST) sponsored a Christmas Cheer Project at the UHC Senior Home in Greenville, NC. We decorated Christmas stockings with some of the residents and provided cookies, apple cider, gifts and fruit to all the residents at the home. It was a fun filled day for the all of us; residents, staff and SAST volunteers.

We hope they had a Blessed Christmas.

And we hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and looking forward to a Blessed New Year.



Seniors Are Special Too(SAST) fulfilled a Dream Request for 83 years young, Ms. R. Barnes, of Wilson NC on Thursday, October 5, 2017. Ms. Barnes' Dream Request was a shopping spree and dinner. She "almost" shopped til she dropped. She had a Blessed and Wonderful Time!  And we would like to thank all our donors and supporters for making this happen!



A Gospel Concert to Benefit Seniors Are Special Too was held on Saturday, August 5, 2017 @ 4pm at the American Legion Bldg

on 3444 Bynum Drive in Farmville, NC 27828 - BOJANGLES' was a SILVER SPONSOR

Please visit them at

We would like to thank all the singers, groups, volunteers, attendees, donors and other local supporters are well.

Singers and groups included: Shirley Bruce of Farmville, NC; The True Lights of Bahama, NC; Fred Royster of Butner, NC;

Henry Simmons of Oxford, NC; Mariah Barrett of Greenville, NC; The Anointed Gifts of God of Farmville, NC; and

Bishop Greg Bynum of Jackson, TN. Other local businesses included: Subway, Food Lion, Pizza Hut, Piggly Wiggly,

and McDonald's.




December, 2016 - Seniors Are Special Too(SAST) in partnership with Olive Garden and Wake Assisted Living, both in Raleigh, NC; provided all the residents of Wake Assisted Living with Christmas gifts. 




September 4, 2016 - Dream Request Fulfilled for

Ms. Pleasant W. (78 yrs young) - A Birthday Party held at

Rock Springs Center in Greenville, NC




  August 1-30, 2016 - Fundraiser, Drawing on August 31, 2016

Restaurant Raffles - Olive Garden, Outback & Red Lobster


Olive Garden = Gloria B. 

Outback Steakhouse = Ruth G.

Red Lobster = Jerry C.




August 15, 2016 - Dream Request Fulfilled for

Ms. Laura P. (83 yrs young) - Lunch & Bridge with her friends




Please contact us if you would like additional information on an event.